The General Manager of Yuantian Extended Sincere Congratulations to 2022



2022 marks the 72nd anniversary of the founding of new China. We are proud of our motherland’s strength and great goals. Under the background that the state promotes high-quality development, Yuantian company adheres to deepening reform, actively explores the road of transformation and upgrading to adapt to the new era, and has carried out a series of reforms and innovations on the traditional operation and management mode. In the past year, Yuantian company has provided better products and services for the mattress manufacturing industry, provided a better development platform for enterprise employees, and created more value for the society through open cooperation, system reconstruction, information transformation and strengthening corporate cultural activities.

This year, according to the strategic plan, Yuantian company launched a perfect mattress manufacturing industry scheme, gave advice to customers, and created a mattress production line scheme that can produce efficiently, save energy, save employment, and maximize the use of space. In the past year, we have designed and implemented mattress production lines for customers at home and abroad, with a total amount of more than 10 million, and our quality and service have also been recognized by customers.

In this year, Yuantian company carried out multi-dimensional project cooperation with strategic partners, university scientific research teams, postdoctoral workstations, listed companies, world top 500 enterprises and international technology providers in a win-win attitude, aiming to solve industry pain points, break through technical bottlenecks, improve production efficiency and create an innovative model. Yuantian company launched nearly ten R & D projects in 2021, invested millions of yuan in R & D funds, applied for more than 20 new patents, and achieved gratifying results. Relevant new products and services will be grandly launched in March 2022. Please look forward to it!

This year, on August 11, 2021, the on-site meeting on the digital and intelligent transformation and development of manufacturing industry in Nanhai District, Foshan City was held at the production base of Yuantian company. The meeting was held in Yuantian, which affirmed the phased achievements made by Yuantian manufacturing and commended Yuantian for receiving nearly 60 batches and nearly 1000 visitors in the whole region over the past three years. It shows that the road we adhere to is correct, and we are more excited about it. Yuantian company has carried out a number of reforms and deployment, introduced high-level talents into the postdoctoral workstation, optimized the “mattress manufacturing intelligent workshop”, and launched the mechanical assembly MES upgrading project. It is planned to realize the whole process of production execution system monitoring in May 2022, continuously optimize and improve the equipment and facilities in the industrial park, and finally achieve the goal of digital chemical plant. At the same time, Yuantian sleep culture museum is gradually becoming a well-known industrial tourist attraction in Foshan and a popular science education base for teenagers at the provincial and urban levels, opening a window for teenagers to understand sleep culture.

In order to create a platform for employees to show their strengths, Yuantian company made many innovative adjustments to the company’s management system, established many new rules and regulations, and also carried out many training courses to improve skills and management, such as nine combinations of problem management and control, essential abilities of team leaders, etc. Yuantian company adheres to the principle of “talents are the only ones who can be employed, and talents are the best”, so that capable employees can get more income, thoughtful employees can offer suggestions and strategies for the development of the company, and motivated employees can get opportunities for learning and promotion. The implementation of these rules and regulations also depends on the information transformation that Yuantian company has been carrying out all the time. From the production end to the business end, each link has clear and transparent information records, which truly reflects the working conditions of employees, provides an effective basis for performance appraisal and rating, and can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.

In this year, Yuantian company continued to play an important leading role of the party, the work group and the Working Committee for caring for the next generation, and carried out the activities of “condolences to the old party members over 60 years old in the village” in the new year; The company’s internal “May Day basketball game” activities; Invite professors from the Party School of the municipal Party committee to “teach Party lessons”; On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021, we made full use of the corridor of the sleep culture museum to build a “Yuantian party construction corridor”, which described the development process of Yuantian party construction and the energy and spirit of Yuantian people, strengthened the cohesion of the company and stimulated the employees to bear more social responsibilities.

Looking back on 2021, despite many challenges, we are still forging ahead, watering the harvest with sweat and moving forward with solid work. With the progress of the times, Yuantian company has also carried out many transformation and upgrading in history, from the production of springs, to bed nets, to mattresses, and then to bedding machinery. Now, we will go to a higher level and provide mattress manufacturers with a full set of one-stop industrial solutions from equipment customization, production line design, layout implementation, production management to equipment maintenance, so as to bring more value to customers from the perspective of customers!

Looking forward to 2022, which is also the 40th anniversary of our Yuantian company, we will launch more new products and introduce new mattress manufacturing machinery products and services to customers all over the world. We will improve and launch the “mattress manufacturing intelligent workshop” service system, build it into an industrial Internet benchmark for the mattress manufacturing industry, provide mature solutions for the transformation and upgrading of the mattress manufacturing industry, and lead the industry to a new level.

With the changes in the global market, we will continue to deepen reform, strengthen the establishment and training of talent team, increase the income of employees, make full use of systematic data and further analyze data to ensure that we can provide the best service to customers. We will also increase R & D investment, carry out higher-level technical cooperation, continuously improve the production efficiency and quality of products, and gradually make the equipment unmanned.

We will continue to enrich the contents of the museum, conduct in-depth research on sleep culture, hold sleep culture Summit Forum and other activities, and create Yuantian industrial tourism tour routes in combination with mattress manufacturing intelligent workshop and other resources, so that more people can understand sleep culture and have better sleep.

As Yuantian people, we should jointly complete the great rejuvenation of the motherland through our hands. Everyone’s career is a part of the great cause. We hope that all Yuantian employees will continue to learn, improve their skills, work hard and create brilliance in 2022!

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