Research Group of National Development Institute of Peking University Explores Intelligent Digital Transformation In Depth




In order to further explore the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, in August 2022, Foshan Federation of industry and commerce, together with Zhang Dandan, associate professor of economics, Peking University Institute of national development, Li Hongbo, doctoral student of Peking University Institute of national development, and others, set up a special investigation group to investigate intelligent manufacturing enterprises in Foshan, and explore the market breakthrough, digital transformation, and global business routes of Foshan enterprises in recent years under the epidemic, Help made in China scale a new peak of quality revolution.

   Among them, Zhang Dandan, an expert of the research group and an associate professor of economics at the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, went deep into the representative enterprises of Foshan’s digital transformation in August 2022 to understand the digital intelligence of Foshan’s manufacturing enterprises and explore the experience of enterprises in promoting high-quality development through digital transformation.


Digital intelligence upgrade

Intelligent manufacturing as the escort of product quality


On August 10, 2022, a special research group led by Zhang Dandan, associate professor of economics at the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, came to Yuantian company. The leaders of Yuantian company received the research group and had an in-depth discussion. Yuantian company and experts of the research group shared the transformation process and effective results on the past development path, and exchanged and discussed the pain points and opportunities faced by enterprises in the process of intelligent and digital transformation, and the promotion of high-quality development of enterprises by digital intelligence.

   Associate Professor Zhang Dandan of the special research group and his party expressed their appreciation and thanks for the introduction and sharing of the overall situation of our digital transformation through field visits and on-site exchanges in Yuantian, and highly recognized Yuantian’s exploration and efforts in the digital transformation and upgrading of Intelligent Manufacturing in the manufacturing industry.


   We should strive to cultivate new opportunities in the midst of crises and make a new start in the midst of changes. The digital era provides a new starting point and a new opportunity for the development of manufacturing industry. Digital intelligence chemical plant has made its debut in the industry, and digitalization has penetrated into all aspects of the manufacturing industry.   

   In the face of the rolling wave of competition, manufacturing enterprises should look to the construction of core competitiveness in the future, strengthen the research and application of new technologies, do a good job in the deployment and planning of digital and intelligent transformation, fully connect the management system with the application of intelligent equipment in every processing procedure, find the development power in the process of intelligent and digital, constantly polish their internal strength, form their own sustainable competitiveness, and develop with high efficiency and quality, It will survive in the future market changes.


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