Foshan enterprises enter the digital and intelligent benchmarking demonstration enterprise activity



    On March 30, under the guidance of Foshan Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology, the Municipal Information Association, the Municipal Industrial Internet industry alliance, and the municipal Zhilian industrial Internet technology service center jointly organized the “Foshan enterprises entering the digital and intelligent benchmarking demonstration enterprise activity (phase II)”. Among them, the experience sharing of digital and intelligent demonstration workshop was held in Foshan Yuantian bedding machinery Co., Ltd.

   Founded in 1982, Foshan Yuantian bedding machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Yuantian company”) is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, development, manufacture and sales of mattress machinery and spring mattresses. In recent years, with the transformation and upgrading of Pan home furnishing industry, Yuantian company has also accelerated the pace of transformation. By building a digital project centered on MES (Production Execution System) and integrating equipment data collection, ERP and other multi system integration, it has become the first “crab eating” enterprise in small and medium-sized enterprises, and has created a mattress production equipment management cloud platform, realizing digital and intelligent upgrading, Become the benchmark of the digital transformation of Nanhai Pan home industry.

    The informatization director of Yuantian company introduced the informatization process and experience of Yuantian company in recent 20 years to the guests. “Gather problems, step by step, focus on integration, value guidance, and adhere to innovation”, and described the above experience. After the delegates’ on-site visit, during the discussion session, when answering the delegates’ questions, ou Qiaofeng pointed out that Yuantian chairman Li Deqiang’s strong awareness of informatization is the key to the continuous breakthrough of Yuantian’s informatization strategy. Through digital construction, production management has taken on a new look, and many management problems that could not be solved before have been solved; Many things that cannot be done before can be done easily now. The decision-making method of managers is more scientific and effective, the service to workers is more thoughtful and meticulous, and the management of workers is more detailed and effective. The mobile inspection and distribution of Yuantian company’s workshop left a deep impression on the visiting representatives.

   “I am very deep in Yuantian’s mobile inspection and mobile distribution!” At the symposium, Yang Junsheng, general manager of Foshan Johnson Medical Devices Co., Ltd., said that when there are more machine tool processing procedures and more complex parts, the turnover efficiency of enterprises will become low, and the digital transformation of Yuantian company has fully optimized the process, which is an experience that peers can learn from. “After the activity, I will sum up what I have seen and heard into experience for members of the association to exchange and learn.” Luo Binghong, vice president of Foshan Furniture Association, the co organizer of this event, said. He said that through this activity, he fully understood the information development of industry enterprises. Next, he planned to share the successful experience of digital intelligent demonstration factory and digital intelligent demonstration workshop to other furniture enterprises that are carrying out information construction, and perform the duties of the association.


According to Sun Xun, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Information Association and Secretary General of the Foshan Industrial Internet industry alliance, the benchmarking demonstration enterprise activities will continue to be carried out in April and may to share the problems and experiences encountered during the digital transformation of benchmarking demonstration enterprises, so as to enhance the awareness of enterprises on digital and intelligent transformation.


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