Braving the Wind and Waves at the Cologne Exhibition in Germany!



The INTERZUM2023 Furniture Production, Carpentry, and Interior Decoration Exhibition was held from May 9-12 at the Cologne Exhibition Center in Germany. After four years of absence, the International Furniture Production, Woodworking, and Interior Decoration Exhibition in Cologne, Germany has returned. The Cologne Furniture Production, Woodworking, and Interior Decoration Exhibition in Germany began in 1959 and is held every two years. It is a global event focused on furniture production, raw materials, and interior decoration. This year’s exhibition has gathered 1600 exhibitors from 60 countries around the world, and 62000 trade visitors from 150 countries or regions. Yuantian Company is one of them. Li Jiye, the senior general manager of our company, and Lou Tianxin, the deputy general manager, personally led a team of R&D and foreign trade elites to participate in the exhibition, exchanging and learning from our technical achievements accumulated in recent years.
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Whether during the pandemic or since its opening up, there has never been a pause in product research and innovation. At this moment, the editor suddenly felt that the term “dormant” was particularly suitable for us who had walked through difficulties. We had been making various efforts to break through the difficulties, and finally we cleared the clouds and saw the blue sky. The Cologne exhibition was in full swing during this time, and we did not disappoint our efforts during this period, resulting in a series of explosive orders at the exhibition site. Even though we were unable to bring our star products to the site due to various factors considered comprehensively, the customer still highly recognized the professionalism displayed on site. The 42 years we have gone through in the wind and rain are not only the growth of life, but also the accumulation of brand reputation. For customers who trust us, we will never let you down.
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There are more than 100 Chinese exhibitors participating in this exhibition, and various furniture accessory companies have made great efforts to reach Cologne. The products of the participating companies at the exhibition mainly include furniture hardware Q, furniture panels, technology leather, PVC veneer, furniture decorative paper Q, furniture fabrics, furniture lighting, automatic equipment, mattress equipment, etc. The exhibition companies mainly come from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, and Guangdong provinces. Being recognized among top technologies at home and abroad to varying degrees undoubtedly greatly increases our confidence. Now that the 4-day Interzum exhibition has come to an end, we have also gained a lot of research and development inspiration from this exhibition. In the future, please look forward to our more high-tech and high-quality products, and work together towards a better future!
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