Anti Epidemic Front, Yuantian Is On The Road



In this battle, Yuantian will resolutely win the people’s war, the general war and the war of resistance against the epidemic with stronger confidence, stronger will, more decisive measures and more positive attitude! Guangdong refueling, Guangfo refueling!

Looking back at the end of 2019, the massive outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, which spread all over us, caught us all be taken by surprise. Our soldiers built the ark of the fire in the shortest time, and strictly asked the masses to wear masks and personal protection. All shops and restaurants are forbidden to eat. There are few pedestrians on the street but they are packed tightly.

At that time, Yuantian was returning to work after the festival, but at the call of the state, in order to improve the epidemic prevention and control matters, the extension of work insisted on strict site disinfection for the staff to resume work for a week, and the scene was still printed in the mind of the small compilation.

In response to the call, the volunteer team of Yuantian Party Working Group, after receiving the notice of nucleic acid test from the neighborhood committee, mobilized the employees of the enterprise to dress up and wait for delivery. We volunteered to do our best to go through the difficulties with our hometown side by side.

Mr. Li Hongye, general manager of Yuantian company, vice president and Party branch secretary of South China Sea Youth Chamber of Commerce and chairman of Nanying business international students club, participated in the volunteer activities of nucleic acid test in Guicheng district with members of the chamber of commerce under the call. During the service of the masses, he will deeply experience the hardships of “white clothes soldiers” and feel a lot after returning to the company, Immediately, it decided to make a batch of brand pads, representing the enterprise unit (Foshan dream home appliances Co., Ltd.) donated 50 multi-function sponge pads to the South China Sea Health Bureau, about 25000 yuan.

From individuals to enterprises, Yuantian company supports the first-line medical staff in South China Sea to do epidemic prevention with the highest action force, which deeply demonstrates the spirit of responsibility and social responsibility of youth enterprises in the South China Sea, and also contributes to the enterprise strength for the prevention and control of epidemic situation!

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